Unibright ICO

2 min readApr 17, 2018


Since twitter isn’t allowing me to write as much as I would want to, we will end this short assesment here.

Ticker: UBT
Status: Whitelist open, ICO in next 2 days
This project is: Unified Framework for SAP to connect it into ethereum blockchain
Circulating Supply 123M/ Total: 150M
Hardcap 13,5M USD
Prototype http://bit.ly/UBTprototype
Partners: Microsoft Germany🚀, Chainium ICO
Previous clients: Shell, Lufthansa, Samsung, Siemens, Nestle

What do I like about it at this moment:
It’s a niche, combined with really low hardcap and working (as you might saw on video) prototype — it’s a success recipe.

As it’s for Microsoft Germany and Unibright

As it’s for competition I’ll just say that SPHTX currently is sitting on 53M USD Marketcap, here we have 13,5M USD, there’s a lot of space for growth, don’t underestimate that.

SophiaTX is more about a blockchain infrastructure, not so much about integrating existing system landscapes into the blockchain for specific use cases.

“The main users for Unibright will be process specialists and the main benefit from our framework is that the needed “tech” objects are generated automatically.

Unibright offers a complete framework for business integration of blockchain technology. This enables companies to integrate blockchain technology (e.g. Smart Contracts) into their business processes and connecting it into their existing IT landscapes.

Based on proven templates for different use cases (Batch-Tracing in SCM, Multi-Party-Approval, Asset lifecycle management), blockchain related integration workflows can be defined visually. Our tools then automatically generate …

• … smart contracts for various blockchains

• … smart adapters to connect to different blockchains and off-chain IT-/ERP-systems

• … smart query sets to monitor the ongoing business process

We are business process driven. Based on our experience in the field of business integration in the last 15+ years and our existing cloud-based integration platform, we offer templates for business processes that can make use of blockchain technology features.

We empower business process specialists to enable a complete blockchain based business integration lifecycle without having to be a coding expert.

If a business process specialist at a big company has to decide for a blockchain: what will he do? There are so many implementations and frameworks around. He will find developers for a specific blockchain and still have in mind to connect the existing systems. Even if he decides for SophiaTX, he still has to do so.

With Unibright he can focus on designing the integration process (visually) and later decide for an implementation (E.g. Ethereum/Solidity, Chaincode/Hyperledger) without needing a developer and have needed objects for integration automatically.” — quoted from Unibright FAQ

Website: https://unibright.io/

